
Image credit; John Noonan @ Unsplash

Bewitched by the heady concoction of glamour, fame and money

the lure of filmdom attracts aspiring youngsters.

Sparkling glitterati wrap their aspirations with allure of the stars.

 Masquerades, veil the predatory instincts of the powerful men

often, eclipse the rise of budding talent into oblivion,

their heart burdened by the remnants of crumpled promises and fractured dreams.

Sadje’s WDYS #126

The Question Remains…

Lock Down, Lock, Year, Nostalgia, Era, Door, Metal

Lock down changed life forever

redefined many facets.

We tasted virtual reality bites

embraced a minimalistic approach,

nature rejuvenated, when we were caged.

Emotions came about in a mixed bag.

Familial bonds recharged with great vigor

skills honed, connections renewed.

Some had to endure the pangs of separation,

mental health issues rocked a few.

The health workers are true warriors

fighting an enemy unknown.

The harsh plight of migrant workers

brought to fore, many kind souls amongst us,

 reaching out with helping hands,

 the blessed, bowed down in gracious thanksgiving.

Now all masked up, as we unlock our cages,

this question continues to torment me…

Will man emerge wiser from the pandemic?

will we respect this freedom now


will we go back to our old ways?

Reena’s exploration Challenge #163

V. J’s weekly challenge #123 Warriors

Tiny Tale – Hiding!

Alexandr Ivanov@pixabay.com

Two 20 word stories…

  1. Hiding her fears and anxiety, taking a deep breath, she finally jumped off the cliff.  Bungee jumping was fun afterall!

2. To the world, she was a gorgeous model. No one saw her bruises hid carefully behind the makeup and smile.

In response to Bulbulbubble’s Twenty word story prompt : Hiding