Gustatory Indulgence!

The pack of freshly baked donuts on the table,

entice me with their alluring flavors,

delighting my senses with heavenly aroma.

Classic, cinnamon and coffee work their magic on me,

 as my will power melts under their saccharine glaze.

I succumb to the temptation of a sinful indulgence.

I gently pick up one, inhaling its flavorsome redolence.

The sugary sprinkles peck my lips, with a flirtatious tease.

A bite into the soft glazed buns, leaves me in raptures.

I revel in the tantalizing effect it has on my taste buds.

Satiated, my mouth drools a dulcet harmony.

Well, I guess I am forgiven

for committing adultery with my diet plan.

It was after all, just a onetime scrumptious affair!

Sadje’s WDYS # 103

Reena’s Xploration challenge # 202

70 thoughts on “Gustatory Indulgence!”

  1. Killing two birds with one stone! Another brilliantly crafted piece with soothing imagery. Your choice of words always amaze me; Mam. And oh; you shall rightly be forgiven for the sinful adultery to your diet plan ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Am ashamed dear..!! ๐Ÿ™ˆ.. I generally follow the โ€˜readerโ€™ section only, on my โ€˜reading daysโ€™.. That made me miss many of your works. Rather, I should have visited your โ€˜writing counterโ€™ to check on all your works.. My mistake..!! ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜›

        Liked by 1 person

      2. No worries Debika. Please don’t be sorry. WP has it’s mood swings. Sometimes the posts of bloggers we follow doesn’t show up in the reader. No idea why. But I am so happy that you liked what i wrote. Means a lot to me โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™


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