The Red Rose!


Confined to home due to the lockdown, Samir had ample time at hand. Staying alone, Netflix had become his best friend.  

That night he watched a horror movie. Though a brave heart, this particular movie left him terrified. Cursing himself for watching it, he went to bed. The scenes from the film kept haunting him before he finally dozed off.

He saw a hooded faceless lady walk through the wall and give him a rose. There was something so sinister about her smile. Sweating profusely, he woke up with a start. Relieved that it was just his hallucination and a bad dream, he turned to go back to sleep.

And then, he saw it…

Paralysed with fear, he could hear his heart hammer against his chest. He tried to scream but his voice choked within.  A spine tingling sensation began to creep up as he began gasping for breath.

 For next to him on the bed lay a red rose…

Reena’s exploration Challenge # 155 : Horror

Crippled by fear!


Grey clouds cast a net around the woods

dusk descends with a misty cloak

silhouettes of the trees pervades over the moon

menacing winds augur an eerie tone

birds flee ,sensing an unearthly warning

howls of the wild beasts echo

darkness manifests with an evil spew

ghostly shadows rasp in savage squeals

the sinister red eyed monster haunts

with fangs and claws waiting to strike.

The eyes shut tight in fright,

droplets of sweat trickle down,

the heart thuds wildly,

cold chills run down the spine

besieged by paralyzing terror,

with a piercing scream I run out.

A horror movie is not my pick!