Day 6 – Nostalgic love!

Continuing the Valentine Special series, each day of the month, I will highlight a different facet of love in the form of a haiku. Hope you stay with me throughout this month long journey with all your support and love.


People in true love create pleasant memories together during their lifetime. A break up or death of a partner can make the other partner nostalgic, recalling the good times they spent together as a couple. The lonely partner continues the journey of life, drawing support from the once beautiful relationship they shared often getting emotional.

Wistful tears flow down

nostalgic memories spill

sentimental mood!



In response to Kat’s twittering tale # 77 to write a story in 280 letters or less !

ic: Min An at

Every evening I wait by the stairs for mom and dad to return from office, in vain! I never get to see them, as they come home very late from work, well past my bed time. My housekeeper takes care of me then.  You know, my parents are very special! They are the weekend parents!

Letter count : 277