The eerie night!

In response to secretkeeper’s weekly writing prompt #133, to use the following five words or their synonyms in a poem/fiction.



Lost in the wilderness

with no clue ,where to head

tar grey clouds brood over

damp forest floor, exudes an acrid stench

branches draw monstrous silhouettes

menacing winds croon a forbidding song

ravenous howls grow louder

a sign of looming danger

eyes move furtively in the dark

failing to find a road to escape

the probing hand feels a slimy creature

sending shivers down the spine

the screams for help, echo back

the soul held captive by fear

drenched in sweat, completely paralyzed.

“Cut”! comes in the directors call,

Smiling, with a thumbs up,

A great shot, in one take!

Pack up! He shouts!!