Eggcellent Strategy!

Listen well, while I tell you a story of a mom and her son at the breakfast table, once upon a time!

A picky eater and a tantrum thrower at hands, left the mom eggasperated.

To create some eggcitement, she thought out of the box,

donned an ingenious artistic armor, creating eggceptional anecdotes.

One day it was the happy Eggy, And the next day, scary Eggard.

Each morn, an eggelicious story unfolded from her repertoire.

And then, her boy ate the eggs, happily ever after!

Reena’s Xploration challenge #203

Terrible Two’s!

In response to’s prompt # 151, to use the following 5 words in a poem or fiction.


A nonet in response to the above.

(Nonet (9 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1) progression downward of syllables)


 A tale of many a harried mom

trying in vain to tame her tot

terrible twos, at its peak

temper tantrums cry foul

raging frustrations

yearning for some

me time, to

 rest in


I am sure many moms can relate to this one 🙂

Daily Prompt – Tantrum!


Mundane moments

oscillating moods

unreasonable demand

met with disapproval

emotional outburst

flaring tempers

torrential downpour

raucous screams

failed reasoning

loud tirades

time out!

Oh! it’s such a challenge

to handle children’s tantrums!