Lock down Stories!

Bulbul’s twenty word tale : Story

I have written 4, twenty word tales. Each can be read as an individual tale or together as one.

lighted we are all made of stories red neon wall signage inside room
  1. The pandemic scripted a sad story in the book of life. All are eagerly awaiting the end of this chapter.

2. Emotions ruled the roost of lock-down stories. Some people scripted success stories, while others had a sad ending. Life goes on…

3. Confined within the four walls of home, I sought solace in writing to avoid the constant disagreements brewing between us.

4. They knocked on my head, I opened my heart and words flowed. Never imagined to be a best-selling author.


Shweta’s 6 word story : Free. Put together a few tales. Hope you like them.

Javier Allegue Barros@unsplash

Hooked to phone – free time vanishes!

Breakup did not free the memories.

Divorce, freed her from abusive relationship.

Her free verses captured many hearts.

Tiny joys of life – Absolutely free!

Break free, from stereotype societal molds.

Free of thoughts, she experienced bliss.