Just be!

In response to Susi’s haiku challenge # 10.

ic: Susi Bocks

Bonds asphyxiate

life, a discordant melee

sour relationship

Dissolve toxic moods

shed the stale veil of ego

stay calm and just be

Reflective thinking

synergy of mind and thoughts

ties blossom again.

Sometimes relationships or close bonds feel suffocated with overpowering proximity. The feeling of each being right, blinds their vision to see that each is stifling the other.They just need some space away from each other to ponder and reflect. This small step does wonders to revive the love in the relationship.

Do share your views on this.

54 thoughts on “Just be!”

  1. Beautifully penned. For the relationships that are parting away, is because of the required space to be given is not given. Have been grown up in a family where understanding each other and understanding the space needed at every stage. But today I see people call themselves modern but are growing more conservative in thoughts. Not understanding the space to be given and poking in each other’s work and trying to let down the confidence of the people whom we love. These things are truly creating distance even in close nitted relations.
    Beautifully expressed. I could image myself on the thoughts shared by you and often thinking with self but couldn’t express wonderfully the way you did.

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    1. Thanks so much Tanvir for sharing your inputs. Appreciate it. 💖
      When love starts to dominate or control every aspect of the partner, it seriously starts to strain the relationship. Not only theirs, in fact it goes on to affect others in the family too. A little bit of maturity in seeing things from a different perspective makes a lot of difference to improve the ties. Hope people realise this before it is too late.

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  2. Beautifully expressed Radhika.
    Everything needs a space to grow and become strong and that holds true for relationships too.You are the part of my world but a little apart is important too.Coz over time without “space ” relationships start dying silently

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Perfectly written article about relationships!! Sometimes staying close and being possessive suffocates and stifles the relationship….even when there is an underlying true love….it chokes the air…what is needed is some distance to reflow the supply of air by staying far for sometime…that way will rekindle the relationship by making us miss all the good things about the other person…and how much they value to us….giving space is so important!!

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