The Question Remains…

Lock Down, Lock, Year, Nostalgia, Era, Door, Metal

Lock down changed life forever

redefined many facets.

We tasted virtual reality bites

embraced a minimalistic approach,

nature rejuvenated, when we were caged.

Emotions came about in a mixed bag.

Familial bonds recharged with great vigor

skills honed, connections renewed.

Some had to endure the pangs of separation,

mental health issues rocked a few.

The health workers are true warriors

fighting an enemy unknown.

The harsh plight of migrant workers

brought to fore, many kind souls amongst us,

 reaching out with helping hands,

 the blessed, bowed down in gracious thanksgiving.

Now all masked up, as we unlock our cages,

this question continues to torment me…

Will man emerge wiser from the pandemic?

will we respect this freedom now


will we go back to our old ways?

Reena’s exploration Challenge #163

V. J’s weekly challenge #123 Warriors

68 thoughts on “The Question Remains…”

  1. Radhika, you have asked the essential question. Sadly, I think I know the answer. Though I doubt if we will ever forget these experiences, and some innovations and personal changes will result, I think we will return to our old ways rather quickly. All the best! ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You have echoed my thoughts Cheryl. Except for a handful of people, majority are happily getting back to their selfish ways. If we don’t learn lessons from such a big global pandemic, I wonder if anything at all can change us.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Great questions Radhika and I would hope that we will learn from this whole ordeal! I tend to think I have changed and I’m not going back but we shall see what I do and how the rest of the world handles it. ❤️🤗 Cindy

    Liked by 3 people

  3. That is a perfect and apt recap you have created and an important question to ask. I am optimistic we would be moving forward into new ways of being while collectively continuing the journey of shedding the old. So much curiosity, hope and uncertainty still.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Great poem to sum up the year. Though I worry the change will be minimal once things go back to normal, I hope we go into the next year with more compassion for everyone and everything in this universe. Have a great start to your month!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Radhika, your last line is a question I keep asking myself. How tragic if after all the loss, hardship, things, life was just to go back to the same. No lessons learning? No higher spiritual awareness achieved? I love how you capture this year and the pandemic, its lows, yes so many of them but you do right to highlight the power and wonder of nature.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Annika. Its always a pleasure to read your feedback. You capture the essence of the writers intent so well.
      Well, unable to learn any lessons from the pandemic shows how poor a student man is, when it comes to life’s tests and challenges. So good to see you here again. Take care ♥️

      Liked by 2 people

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