6th Blogiversary!

Ideating thoughts

caravan of words joins hands

births radhikas blog

And today that blog celebrates its 6th anniversary. On this day 6 years ago, the search for an outlet to amalgamate my reflections and expressions, culminated in the birthing of radhikasreflection.

A surge of happiness runs through me when I look back at this journey. A journey that has taught me so much. Reading exceptional work of bloggers from across the world, learning different styles of poetry, attempting challenges hosted, trying a hand at fiction writing, articulating my thoughts on topics close to my heart, making new friends here, publishing my maiden book of poetry, and across different anthologies and poetry portals, I am absolutely thrilled to see my curve of learning go up.

Truly in gratitude, for all the likes, comments and feedback I have received during this time. Thank you to all my followers and readers from across the globe. Feels so wonderful to have a global connect. Looking forward to your continued love and support.

A Happy Mother’s Day to all the lovely moms here.

Best wishes. Stay blessed ❤ !

Tanka – Diwali!

Pandemic days ebb

pirouetting flames of diya*

brightens festive mood

vibrant emotions dazzle

heralds celebration time

The dark shadows of the virus seem to drift away, as the winds of normalcy brings in a much-needed reprieve. With all things opening up and life returning to pre covid times, we pray for a better tomorrow. Hoping the sparkling conversations and sounds of laughter replace the din and smog of the crackers. Let’s illuminate our earth with the dazzle of love and peace.

Happy Diwali to all !

*earthen lamp

Where is the festive spirit?

In response to Eugenia’s ( BrewNSpewCafe ) writing challenge : Festive

Sweets, Indian Sweets, South Indian Sweets

The booming economy and changing times

have diluted the essence of celebrations.

Festivals, which reflected cultural tradition

today is more about flaunting riches.

The warmth of cohesive affability is

replaced by instant gratification.

Instagram is bombarded with

pictures of the pomp and grandeur displayed.

Fragrance and bonhomie of the festive spirit

sadly, remains obscure and scattered.

Day 14 – Valentine Love!

Continuing with the Valentine special series, the special day is finally here! Happy Valentines day to all the bloggers.


14th February! A day specially marked as day for romance. Though largely a western concept, today lovers from across the globe celebrate this day with the love of their life.  They shower each other with gifts, chocolates, flowers and cards. Today many restaurants and clubs organize romantic settings to make the lovers feel special.

Love is in the air

celebrations paramount

happy valentines!


Is it a happy Women’s Day?


In India, female infanticide is still a harsh reality, the girl child and women  even in the present day are vulnerable to be caught in a net of  skewed societal framework. Though the women are today taking great strides and reaching the pinnacle of success, they are a minuscule percentage in comparison to the population of women, the world over. I am sure you too along with me have been a witness to these glaring differences, so prevalent in our society even today.

Celebrations galore when a boy is born, while a girl’s birth is deemed a curse!

Boys are gifted cars and aeroplanes for birthdays, while its always dolls and kitchen set for the little girls.

If a boy cries, he is rebuked, “Boys don’t cry. They are strong. Only girls cry!” Are their tears different from the girls ? Boys are molded to be strong and the girls are branded a weaker lot, since childhood.

Its always the girl’s duty to help mama in the kitchen and never the boy’s!

Throughout the growing up years, a stark difference in the attitude of parents and society in general is observed in suppressing the girl from progressing to her full potential.

Nothing much changes when they grow into a man and woman.

A man in shorts is cool but a women in a short skirt is sexy!!

When a man chills out at a late night party it is sociable, but the equation changes for a  woman, questioning her character.

In the heinous crime of rape, fingers are pointed only at the traumatized woman. They talk about woman empowerment. But is she safe even in her own home?

A widowed woman is considered an omen of bad luck for an auspicious function and stopped from partaking in the rituals, but nobody questions a widower.

Why is a man always right and “she” is always at fault?

Today the social media is abuzz with the Women’s Day celebrations. Restaurants, shops, hospitals, salon’s all of them are offering attractive discounts to make women feel special. But other than this day, is she really considered special? How justified is it to celebrate Women’s Day?

Let her bloom, to spread smiles

Let her flap her wings, to soar high in the sky,

Let her shine like the moon, to radiate a luminous glow,

Let her follow her dreams, to be an equal,

Let her be a blessing, a gift from god,

For she loves, cares and nurtures!

I hope we do see a new dawn when it is ” A happy women’s day” in its truest sense.