Daily Prompt – Ovation


The hues of the nature,

paints a picture so perfect.

The white robed mountain peaks

rising up to kiss the sky,

the rumbling waves singing

along the limitless oceans,

the canopy of greens

sustaining life on earth,

the tones of crimson across the horizon

enter the stage at dawn and dusk,

the fluffy white clouds

meandering across the blue expanse,

the golden sand dunes

dancing to the desert breeze.

the gentle brooks,

flowing coyly amid the woods,

Doesn’t the creator of this masterpiece

deserve a standing ovation ?


IC: http://www.clipartkid.com

Why should I eat all the veggies on my plate?

Why can’t I have more fries?

Why do I need to finish my homework first?

Why do I need to study Math?

Why do should I  attend the hobby class?

Why can’t I watch some more TV?

Why can’t I play longer with my friends?

Why do I need to follow a timetable?

Why not a mobile for me as yet?

Why should I go to bed by 9?

Why do all the rules apply  only to kids ?

Hey Mom,

I protest till you ease the rules!!!


In response to the daily prompt : Protest



Oh, the brave soldiers of our nation,

we are today, because of thee

You display exemplary heroic courage

without a care for the bullets coming your way

living away from the comfort of your homes

in hostile and treacherous terrains,

renouncing the love and care of your family.

When the time comes to take the guns,

charging ahead with an armour of patriotic fervour,

to fight a brave battle

and embrace the mother earth.

Our humble respects and salute

to the true martyrs of the country!



Isn’t it an irony of life,

avarice and greed

steers some lives,

to amass, accumulate and hoard,

money, money and more money,

in anticipation,

that it will ensure a ticket,

for a lavish life for generations to come,

only to realize

in a single moment,

it is nothing but scrap of paper!

In response to the daily prompt : Anticipation

Image courtesy : NDTV.com


The aromatic fragrance casts a mystical spell on us,

The sweet and perfumed scent, tickles our sensory buds,

The fresh bakes from the oven are so inviting,

The first drops of rain on earth refreshes us,

The smell of the incense stick has a calming effect on us,

The fragrant flowers enlivens us,

The aroma of the freshly brewed coffee is so irresistible

The smell of the freshly pound spices reminds us of mom’s kitchen

The scented oils infuses a feeling of complete relaxation,

The smell of home sweet home is truly heavenly!!

In response to the Daily prompt : Aromatic



The azure sky, feeling very lonely all day long decided to primp herself. The air was damp and fragrant from the shower she had .She chose a crimson velvety evening gown. She did her make up with care.  Amethyst blush on, grey eyeliner, burgundy lipstick made her look ravishing. She put on her sparkling star studded tiara on her open silken black tresses, just in time as her beau the luminescent moon came in. An evening of intimate conversation ensued amidst the glitterati of celestial constellations.

In response to the daily prompt : Primp

Image courtesy : google


All are cordially invited to a celestial party with the stars


The night sky glitters with millions of stars

decked up in all  their heavenly finery

some twinkling while others glowing

sparkling conversations flow

dazzling smiles invite

all partying and dancing

in the celestial arena

to the whispers of cool breeze!!

In response to the daily prompt : Millions

Image courtesy : fotosearch.com

Dieter’s Dilemma


I am on a diet, cried out Anabel!

Looking at the packets on the table

Chips, cakes , candies and bagels

You see,

I am following a time table

to become fit and able

Keep me away from those labels

Lest my willpower dissolves in shambles

Oh Lord!

Please understand my dilemma!!

In response to the Daily Prompt – Dilemma

Image courtesy : 123rf.com