Daily Prompt – Substandard!


Diluted principles,

eroded values,

blurred vision,

boorish character,

disintegrating families,

hazy goals,

impoverished ethics,

lost morals,

unhealthy habits,

toxic relationships,

degrading environment,

stressful lifestyle,

all lead to a

substandard life!

Daily Prompt – Disastrous


The newly bought recipe book titled “Baking for beginners placed on the bookshelf attracted my attention. The glossy pictures and the easy to bake instructions made baking look like a child’s play. Having a sweet tooth, I decided this would be a good investment to learn the art of baking and its finer nuances. Dreaming of becoming a great master chef in due course, I walked back home, proud of my purchase.

The very next day I shortlisted on a simple Vanilla sponge cake to bake. I earnestly started getting the ingredients ready. At that point the doorbell rang. I answered it and came back a few minutes later and continued with the recipe. Once done, I put the batter in the oven and waited. I was lost in the anticipation of all the adulation I would garner for my maiden attempt at baking. The bell on the timer rang , jolting me out of my reverie. I rushed to take out my masterpiece from the oven. I was shocked to see the disastrous result that came out. It was an absolute flop show. The cake had simply sunk into a hollow and cracked badly. Totally disappointed with my effort I checked the recipe book again, only to realise that when I went to attend the door bell, the page had turned in the breeze. I was totally oblivious to that and had just continued. The mix up of the proportions goofed up my cake completely!

All my family members had a hearty laugh when I narrated them my maiden tryst with baking!!


Daily Prompt – Tailor



She cut open the seams

her insecurities and pain

that were haunting her

from her dark past.

She put the thimble and needle to work

as she sewed back all the tears and holes

with colourful dreams of hope

and secured it with strength

drawn from her resilient heart.

She tailored a perfect gown

to hide her scarred soul.



From my travels I pick you up

all so colourful and bright

in different shapes and sizes

each , with a story to tell.

You sit snugly together

on my refrigerator,

taking me back in time,

kindling fond memories

of holidays spent with

family and friends,

of the beautiful places visited.

With open arms you welcome

new magnets to your clan,

that each of my trip brings.

I wish we humans could emulate

the camaraderie you exhibit.


In response to Daily prompt : Magnet

Daily Prompt – Commit!


Commit yourself to a cause, relationship, fitness, diet or a belief and let the results surprise you!

Conviction in your belief

Overcoming apprehension

Making way for a disciplined regimen

Meaningful path chartered

Impressive strides taken

Triumphant victory prevails!


The above is an acrostic poem.

Daily prompt – A New Me!!



Sly and shallow, doubts creep up

infests my mind like termites.

Eroding the barricades

robs me of my confidence

sends in, its accomplices

apprehension and fear

to dwell within me.

Crippling my power

to stand tall,

forcing me to retreat

into my cocoon.



When I can no longer

tolerate the uncertainties,

my mind sets out

to find its lost comrades

who drifted apart

with the winds of change.

In the chaotic maze of life,

I seek and befriend

confidence and belief,

who help me conquer

my shortcomings.

Without its buddies,

doubt is banished into an exile.

Courage and hard work now

join hands and laugh out in unison

echoing my triumph

and celebrating a new me!


In response to daily prompt – Triumph

Daily Prompt – Impression


I have a dream!

To soar my wings into the wide blue yonder,

And reach for the stars.

To tread on a path defined by me,

learn, fall  and  grow.

 To swim the ocean of life

against all the currents.

Bestow faith in my abilities,

let my talent make an impression on you,

not my beauty,

 see me emerge victorious.

Let me live my dream!

I am unique, I am special

I am me, a girl!


Ic: Painting by my daughter.

Daily Prompt : Hospitality


The warmth of sunshine on a cold winter morn,

the branches joining in a canopy

providing shade to the weary traveller

rains, the sustainer and nurturer of life

the vibrant swaying flowers, add to the aesthetic beauty

the fruits satiating hunger

trees contributing to every breath,

O cruel man, how selfish can you get?

Enjoy nature’s hospitality

with gratitude, not by loot!

Purple Masterpiece!


On a hot noon,

in the month of June,

I glanced on a purple crayon

as I gave out a lazy yawn.

Mom was busy with work,

so I didn’t want to be a jerk.

Looked for something to draw

the white wall was without a flaw.

I unleashed my artistic skills

which gave me a huge thrill.

As I stood back to admire my masterpiece,

Mom gave a loud shriek, breaking the peace!

I wondered, what did I do ???

In response to the daily Prompt : Purple.
